Thursday, 1 March 2012

Exploring to Crocker Range Park, Keningau

Rafflesia the world's largest flower

Taman Banjaran Keningau atau didalam bahasa Inggerisnya 'Crocker Range Park' terletak di dalam daerah Keningau kira-kira 15 minit daripada bandar atau 2 jam perjalanan pemanduan daripada Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu. Crocker Range Park adalah salah satu taman yang dilindungi di bawah kelolaan Lembaga Taman-Taman Sabah bagi tujuan pemuliharaan alam flora dan fauna di dalam jangka masa yang panjang. Ia adalah sebuah taman yang menjadi habitat asal kepada bunga yang terbesar di dunia iaitu rafflesia yang hanya boleh ditemui di beberapa buah tempat di dunia ini termasuklah di Borneo. 
        Pada bulan Januari 2012, saya telah menginap di salah satu asrama selama dua hari dan satu malam , untuk merasai sendiri fenomena yang tersendiri di Taman Banjaran ini. Dengan hanya bayaran MYR10 satu malam, saya dibantu oleh salah satu staff yang bekerja di situ untuk menghantar saya ke rumah penginapan melalui kenderaan yang disediakan. Tetapi malangnya, pada malam itu, hanya saya seorang sahaja yang menginap, seorang diri yang ditemani dengan nyanyian alam yang sangat semulajadi. 
         Saksikan sendiri gambar-gambar yang dijadikan kenangan buat selama-lamanya..

Sebesar kubis, mengambil masa 9 bulan untuk matang


Di sinilah asrama yang saya menginap seorang diri..

Friday, 9 December 2011

Subject UFS 103 (PC COMPETENCY): How to create Animated Slide Show by using the Microsoft Office Power Point 2007

1st Step
By Azni Bin Abdul Gain (23-201109-00025)
How to create theme on slide as background
Step 1: Click on "Design" button,
Step 2: Choose on any theme that liked, then clicked on it. Once it clicked, it will automaticlly appear on slide

2nd Step
By Andy Arnold Ganius (NRIC NO: 930126-12-6233)
How to Insert Picture into Slide
Step 1: Click on "Insert" button,
Step 2: Click on "Picture" icon,
Step 3: Once the Picture icon clicked, then it will appear automaticlly on screen. Select on picture that liked,
Step 4: Once the picture are selected, then click on "Open" button.

 3rd Step

By Syahiful Bin Rahmat (23-201109-00591)
How to Create Words Art into slide
Step 1: At first, type the word in the slide. Then, highlight the word that has been created, double click on right side of mouse,
Step 2: Once clicked, the table of font will appear on screen. Here, you can choose on any style of font, size and can bold or italic in one time as shown on above on number 2,3 &4,
Step 3: Once done it, just click on "OK" button. Please take note, in any time you can change on any style that you like.

4th Step
By Prosdutheem Chenjoy (23-201109-00421)
How to create the Hyperlink
Step 1: Firstly, highlight the words as above. Then, click on right side of mouse. The bar will automaticly appear on screen. Click on "Edit Hyperlink" button,
Step 2: Click on "Place in this Document" button,
Step 3: Click on which slide that want to be connected as hyperlink,
Step 4: Once that it, click on "ok" button. The reason is why we using the hyperlink is to make the presenter easier to jump to another slide without wasting time to clicking to get that slide that want to be presented. It also suitable if the presenter want to make previous slide.

5th Step
By Ben Adrian Sinimon (23-201109-00797)- Group Leader
How to create the words into animated words
Step 1: Firstly, click on the word that want to be animated,
Step 2: Click on "Animation" button,
Step 3: Click on "Custom Animation",
Step 4: Click on "add effect" button. Here, you can choose on any style that liked. At the same time, you need to set the time either the animated word will only appear when the slide clicked or can be automaticly onve the slide are clicked. See as example as above as on number 2,3 and 4. Once select the suitable effects, then click on it.

In conclution, after all the steps has been followed. You will have the very good slide show and ready to be presented to your audiences.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Locatian of Borneo Tourism Institute

Kota Kinabalu City
Borneo Tourism Institute is within Wisma Kosan as labeled "A" as above
To get there, must access to available road as above 

7th Floor, Block B, Wisma Kosan Likas,
KM 7, Jalan Tuaran,
P.O. Box 3, Likas Post Office,
88856 Kota Kinabalu
Sabah, Malaysia.
Tel: 60-88-433312 (O) / Fax: 60-88-433780

Description: Borneo Tourism Institute or shortly named BTI is one of the official institute of tourism and appointed by Ministry of Tourism Malaysia to train and to provide the course of Localised Nature Guide for 2 or 3 weeks sponsored by Jabatan Pembangunan Sumber Manusia (JPSM), Sabah. To participate this course, the advertisement will be announced on local news paper such "Daily Express" or on official site of JPSM.
Shortly, I've been taking this course since in year 2009 for 2 weeks. We've studied at Wisma Kosan for one week, then we proceed on another one week at Crocker Range Park Keningau. Before the end of the day, we've been given test either writing and also oral (Guiding). Most of us who joint this course and successful in completed the course, were given a certificate of Tourism Ministry and Eco-Malaysia Certificate. This take 3-4 months before can have that certificates. Once have it, we can used it to apply the position of localised nature guide (Green Batch) from any company. But! must to be remembered, you'll be asked to apply first the license and approvement from Jabatan Pendaftaran Lesen at KKWSP building at Sadong Jaya, Kota Kinabalu. For more info about it, please do not hesitate to feel free call as above. I hope you get the information that you need, until we meet again in next time! Good Bye.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Le Tour De Sabah Agriculture Park Lagud Seberang

Location: Sabah Agriculture Park Lagud Seberang, Tenom
Date of Tour: 29 April 2011 (Day Trip)
How to Get there: Public Bus from Kota Kinabalu to Keningau (MYR 15.00). To proceed to Tenom must take another public bus from Keningau to Tenom which will cost you MYR 6.00. Once arrive at Tenom, you have to take a taxi (MYR 20.00) or public bus (unknown price) before proceed to Sabah Agriculture Park Lagud Seberang. Basiclly, if you are dependent / Economic traveler, you will going through this. No public bus provide one way journey to that site.

Friday, 2 December 2011

RainForest Discovery Centre (RDC) Sandakan

Location: Rainforest Discovery Centre (RDC), Sepilok, Sandakan, Sabah Malaysia
Long Distance: 1 KM from main junction (Sandakan Highway)
Date of Tour: 10-11 November 2011 (Thursday-Friday)
Where I'm staying: Sepilok Bed & Breakfast (5 Minutes distance from RDC)
What to bring: Binocular, Camera, Mineral Water, Umbrella (Sometimes raining) & personal belonging
How much the fee for entrance: MYR 5.00 (Malaysian) MYR 15.00 (Non-Malaysian)
What make this place is interesting: Good site for Bird Watcher, Recreation, Jungle Trekking, Collection of
                                                      Botanical Gardens & Exhibition Hall
How to get there: Public Bus from Sandakan (namely Sepilok Bus located on behind of Milimewa
                           Supermarket Building) or can make request to the driver (Tung Ma Bus) from Kota
                           Kinabalu to drop you at junction road to Sepilok. Please be informed, that long
                           distance from Kota Kinabalu City takes six hours journey to Sandakan. Enjoy!
My comment: You should visit the RDC. It's a fantastic place that I ever visit! Good luck for your journey
                      to Sabah.